A controversial video was broadcasted in August of 2009 by Channel 4 News. This gruesome video displays the tragedies that occurred during Sri Lanka’s conflict. Though the Sri Lankan government, governed by the Sinhalese, continues to defend this video as fake, official UN experts say that this video is authentic and has not been altered. This video shows the Sri Lanka Armed Forces (SLA) casually executing Tamils in a degrading and humiliating way. The Tamil men met their death while naked, blindfolded, and tied up. The way these Tamil men were being killed by the SLA demonstrates the strong animosity between the two groups. If the claims that this video has not been fabricated are true, then this video screams for an international investigation of war crimes. Reasoning for the government to conceal the truth of this video is to maintain a reputation and resist the imminent war crime investigation. Personally, I believe that this video was not fabricated and that the government is trying to convey respectable war behavior by arguing that the video is false. The Sinhalese dominated government are trying to mask their extensive list of war crime accusations. Overall, this shocking video expresses the harsh brutality seen in much of the Sri Lankan conflict.
JULIP HAM this video is very scary. I was so shocked when I saw those bodies on the streets. The destruction on the land seen somewhere in the middle of the video was crazy. I think it was massive when I saw the amount of soldiers walking because that was a lot of people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-_-
Hi Juli,
I thought your blog was extremely well made. It looked like you spent alot of time working on it. The video you put in is also a "kicker" for your blog. I think the zombie apocalypse theme is also a good choice because the topic you chose is sort of apocalyptic. Good Job!